International Yoga Day 2017

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There is a growing body of research to back up yoga’s mental health benefits. Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system.

Yoga’s positive benefits on physical and mental health have made it an important practice across the globe. Yoga, meditation and Pranayam have become mainstream culture in the world yet there are various sections of society which are still unaware of its myriad benefits.

Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce with The Soroptimist International Bombay Chembur (SIBC) conducted a programme to mark the occasion of “The International Yoga Day” on 21st June, 2017, with an objective to address this issue. A Yoga Session of around sixty minutes was organized for The Female Housekeeping Staff of our College with an aim to create awareness amongst them about the concept of Yoga and help them with some basic asanas and breathing exercises which can bring in a whale change in their day to day life.

Five female volunteers of the ‘Yoga Committee’ along with teachers demonstrated various asanas for the Staff in an hour long session led by our Principal, Dr. Lata Menon. It started with the chanting of ‘Om’ followed by Sandhi Chalan Kriyas (warm up exeercises) which slowly led to a series of asanas like Vajrasan, Hastpadasans, Shalabhasan, Bhujanasana, Pranayam etc and finally ended with the peaceful Chaitanyasan. In a short session of an hour, the Staff felt rejuvenated and energized for the day and showed their interest to continue this activity.