Joy of Giving Week 2015
The members of SIBC organized a Jumble Sale at the Pillai Campus at Chembur from the 15th to 17th October, 2015 to celebrate the Joy of Giving Week.
The SIBC members collected used clothes, shoes, jewelry, curtains, and other household articles and put it up for sale at very marginal prices of Rs. 10 to Rs. 100 per item. More than 100 people from the nearby poor localities visited the Campus and took maximum benefit from this Sale. The funds collected will help SIBC to conduct literacy and skill development programs for the underprivileged women in the next few months.
There was a great sense of satisfaction among the SIBC members at having participated in the true spirit of the “Joy of Giving”.
This event was co-ordinated by Dr. Sunita Wadikar & the PCER team, Ms. Yvete Lee, Mrs. Mamta Patil & Mrs. Preeti Pawar.