Spoken English of Adult Literacy Programme 2017-2018

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Date: 23rd January, 2018 (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Resource Person: Dr. Swasti Dhar
Venue: Chembur Campus, Room No. 402

The session commenced with the prayer after which the students translated a paragraph on the Topic ‘Mumbai’ After working on the sentences on their own (via a worksheet), the students came up and wrote each sentence on the blackboard. The common mistakes were corrected and different ways of writing out the same sentence were discussed.

Date: 16th January, 2018 (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Resource Person: Dr. Sunita Wadikar and B.Ed. students
Venue: Chembur Campus, Room No. 401

Dr. Sunita Wadikar with the help of B. Ed. Students focused on the grammatical expressions used by the ALD students. Their vocabulary was built with the help of a video which introduced them to new words and expressions, which they were encouraged to use practically through simulated situations.

The ALD students also practiced their knowledge of sentence construction by translating around 10 to 12 Hindi sentences into English. This improved their active use of the language.

Date: 9th & 11th January, 2018 (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Resource Person: Ms. Nasreen Khan and B.Ed. students
Venue: Chembur Campus, Room No. 402 and Computer Lab

On the sessions held on Thursdays session on Skill development was taken up by Ms. Nasreen Khan who focused on ‘How to do a Facial.’ Before commencing with the practical aspect, she explained the theory of facial skin care, the strokes to be used while massaging and knowledge of the various kinds of oils and creams which one can use. Ms. Khan also stressed on the hygiene to be maintained while performing this task. The students who had opted for Computer skills were aided by the B.Ed. Students who helped them to hone their skills in Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Date: 9th January, 2018 (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Resource Person: Dr. Sunita Wadikar and B.Ed students
Venue: Chembur Campus, Room No. 401

This Tuesday session was taken up by Dr. Sunita Wadikar and the B.Ed. Students who taught and discussed certain common phrases/ idioms which can be used by the participants in their day today lives. The participants also were introduced to watch certain videos by Awal (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=english+speaking+practice+by+awal) on the following topics

  • Newer ways to Introduce oneself
  • How to order food at a Restaurant The participants then interacted with each other and practiced the same.

Week of 4th to 9th December, 2017

The spoken English class scheduled for Tuesday, the 5th December, 2017 had to be cancelled due to the schools and colleges being closed because of Cyclone Ockhi. On Thursday, the 7th December, the Skill Development classes took place as usual with Ms. Nasreen Khan taking up the skill of how to do facials and face massage. The students of B.Ed. Helped conduct the computer classes.