Visit of SIGBI President and Program Director

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Date: 18th to 20th February, 2023

SI Bombay Chembur hosted President Cathy Cottridge and Program Director Lindsay Green from Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) on the Mumbai leg of their India visit.

Cathy and Lindsay were received at the airport on 18th February by SIBC members Yvette Lee and Preeti Pawar. On 19th February SIBC hosted the guests for dinner at a city restaurant.

On 20th February, SIBC hosted a joint meeting of Mumbai and Pune clubs with the visiting SIGBI office bearers. The venue was Banquet Room of Jewel of Chembur. Along with SI Bombay Chembur; SI North Bombay, SI Bombay West, SI Pune Metro East and SI Poona joined the meeting where projects were presented and discussed. SIGBI President and Program Director addressed the members and shared their views. A fellowship lunch was had at the venue amidst a great deal of conversations and interaction.

A few beneficiaries of SIBC’s adult literacy drive were also invited to interact with Cathy and Lindsay.