International Literacy Day 2014

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We celebrated the International Literacy Day with a talk at Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur Campus, on 20th September 2014. The speakers were Ms Annette Mascarenhas, President and Councillor NASI of India, a lawyer and active social worker and Mr Dyaneshwar Tarawade, Programme Head – Advocacy APNALAYA Day Care Centre, Govandi Mumbai, an organization building self-sustaining communities since 1973.

Over 100 members gathered in the multipurpose hall in the ground floor of Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur Campus. B.Ed students of Pillai College of Education and Research attended the programme. The session was interactive and the resource persons connected well with the audience and kept them rapt in attention.

Mr. Dyneshwar focussed his talk on generating awareness about the importance of Literacy to the poor and oppressed women and girls living in the slums of India. He appealed the audience to join in the cause and educate such women in their own capacity wherever and whenever possible. His talk truly sensitised the young gathering to be active citizens towards the cause of educating the poor women in the society.

The second speaker Ms Annette Mascarenhas read out her paper where she explained the significance of International Literacy Day, its importance and how it impacted societies over the world. She spoke about the importance and advantages of literacy and education for women and how an educated woman will educate her family leading to an educated society that will march on to the path of progress and a welfare state.

September 8, was proclaimed ‘International Literacy Day’ by UNESCO on November 17, 1965. It’s an international observance day and it was first celebrated in 1966. This observation reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. It aims to raise public awareness of the extraordinary value of the written word and of the necessity to promote a literate society.

This event was co-ordinated by SIBC member Dr. Lata Krishnan.