International Literacy Day 2018
SIBC in association with Pillai College of Engineering observed International Literacy Day 2018 by launching the initiative “Girls in Tech” with the overall objective to encourage women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). About 110 girls pursuing careers in Engineering attended the session. The session began with a welcome address by Soroptimist member Celina Joy who spoke about the objectives of Soroptimism and the goals of creating gender balance in the workforce and having more women pursue careers in STEM. Dr. Madhumita Chaterji from Pillai College of Engineering spoke about her journey in science and how she chose to be an educationist in Engineering. After this talk, 5 videos of girls and women pursuing careers in tech were shown to the students highlighting the exciting careers that exist in STEM for aspiring contenders. They broke the myth that such careers in STEM were only for men even though they seem to be male dominated and encouraged girls to go all out and overcome their diffidence and pursue their dreams.
After the videos were showcased, Dr. Daphne Pillai, President of IWFCI India National Chapter spoke about innovation and the importance of networking. She gave many examples of how businesses were thriving globally and forums like IWFCI (Network partner at this event) were helping women though mentorship and other educational programs specifically to help women in business.
Ms. Yvette Lee, President SIBC proposed the Vote of thanks. A special word of thanks was given to Ms. Munawira Kotyad Pillai who played a big role in collating the videos from women pursuing careers in science globally.
The event ended with tentative committees being formed to handle the various aspects of the Girls in Tech Community viz. membership, events, seminars, competitions, creation of Facebook pages etc for the academic year 2018-19. The event was attended by SIBC Secretary Ms. Preeti Pawar and members, Dr. Betty Sibil and Ms. Susanna Cherian and faculty members of Pillai College of Engineering. The students were very happy to be a part of this initiative and were excited to work towards its success in the years to come.
The event was organised by Soroptimist members Ms. Munawira Kotyad Pillai and Dr. Celina Joy.