International Organ Donation Day

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On the occasion of International Organ Donation Day, SI Bombay Chembur in collaboration with Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai College of Education and Research Chembur, organized a session conducted by Regional and State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation, ROTTO-SOTTO. The main objective of this event was to create awareness among the B.Ed. students about the need and importance of organ donation.

Ms. Sujata Ashtekar, Senior transplant coordinator, Regional cum State Organ and Tissue transplant organization, West zone, Government of India project, chairperson of awareness activities of ZTCC and Mr. Kalpesh, transplant co-ordinator and an experienced individual in the field of organ donation were the invited speakers. They explained the entire process of organ donation and its scientific basis, thus making the future teachers aware about the authentic information on a crucial life-saving activity. Appx 90 students and teachers were in attendance.

SDG covered: #3 Good Health and Well-being