International Women’s Day

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International Women’s Day – Panvel

SIBC celebrated International Women’s Day at the Panvel Campus by felicitating two exemplary women, Ms. Flavia Agnes, co-founder of “Majlis” and Ms. Priti Patkar, founder of “Prerana” with Soroptimist Excellence Awards 2017.

International Women’s Day – Chembur

Members of Soroptimist International Bombay Chembur celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2017, with the students of the Adult Literacy Drive 2016-17. It was a proud moment when the “Certificates of Achievement” were distributed to twenty seven women who were trained in spoken and functional English and basic beautician skills.

Classes were conducted by SIBC members twice a week every month from August 2016 to February 2017. The modules were based on the need assessment done in the month of July 2016. The target population of this project was women from the surrounding areas who have either missed out on their first chance of learning or those who did not know or did not have the courage to speak in English. Sister Antoinette Araujo, Former Principal of Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science and currently the Director of the College was the Chief Guest for the graduation ceremony.

The programme was attended by the SIBC members as well as the family and children of the Adult Literacy Drive students. Each of the students spoke on how the programme has helped them develop their English skills and confidence.​