Joy of Giving Week 2021

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The project was a fundraiser with the specific aim of sponsoring one week at the rate of Rs. 500 per family of three (child and two parents) meal for the inmates of Access Life. Access Life is an Indian NGO that provides support to children (who are suffering from cancer) and their families (two parents). The organization collaborates with Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai, and supports these families with boarding, meals as well as medical support and transportation from the Access Life Centre to the hospital and back. The names and financial details for fund collection were provided via a Google Form and funds were collected between 1st to 25th October, 2021. A total sum of Rs. 1,43,700/- was collected. This money was handed over to Access Life on 12th November, 2021. The project focused on SDG #2 “Zero Hunger” and SDG #3 “Good Health and Well Being”.