Joy of Giving Week 2023

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SI Bombay Chembur observed the ‘Joy of Giving Week’ with two projects.

The first was a fund raising drive conducted by our members Ms. Sheetal Wadikar and Dr. Sunita Wadikar. The collected amount was donated to Access Life, a temporary home for children who visit Mumbai for cancer treatment.

Second, we collaborated with edukidz INTERNATIONAL Preschool, Tilaknagar, whose students participated in a collection drive and imbibed the values of being compassionate and empathetic. Children of edukidz helped the children from “Manav Jeevan Seva trust” by giving away toys, books, clothes and lot of other things which was of great help and lot of value for children in need.

Approx 80 to 90 kids participated along with the teachers and other staff members. Our member Ms. Namita Kafaliya co-ordinated the project.

SDG covered- #1: Reduced Poverty