Talk by Dr. Daphne Pillai and Dr. Celina Joy in San Francisco

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Soroptimist International of Americas Founder Region District II invited Dr. Daphne Pillai and Dr. Celina Joy to speak on the special challenges women face in India. Region Governor Bobbi Enderlin, District Director Bev Gomer and SI president of club 24-680, San Francisco – Kim Grossberg were present along with Soroptimist members from the various clubs in the Region. Dr. Daphne Pillai spoke on the challenges of illiteracy among the poor and the Adult Literacy Drives conducted by Soroptimist International Bombay Chembur to alleviate these issues. Dr. Celina Joy spoke on the challenges faced by working women in Mumbai and also shared some of the best practices followed by Soroptimist International Bombay Chembur to create awareness on various women issues. The session was very interactive and appreciated by all.