Webinar on “The Genesis of Human Rights Law in India with Special Reference to Women’s Rights”

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To observe 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, SIBC, in association with Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized a Webinar on the topic “The Genesis of Human Rights Law in India with special reference to Women’s Rights on 6th December 2021”. The speaker for the Webinar was Ms. Ayushi Kundu, an advocate at the Calcutta High Court and Soroptimist International President’s Appeal Coordinator. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls and runs every year from 25th November, the International Day for elimination of violence against women to 10th December, Human Rights Day. The 2021 theme is “Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now! Freedom from violence is a fundamental human right. Gender-based violence undermines a person’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem. It affects not only physical health but also mental health and may lead to self harm, isolation, depression and suicidal attempts. Ms. Kundu spoke about the genesis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how India and various countries enacted some of them in their constitutions. She specifically referred to some of the heinous crimes in India that led to various laws like the Vishaka case etc. Over 100 students of the management institute and SIBC members attended the webinar. It was an interactive session and the students appreciated the same.