World Habitat Day

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On 15th October 2020, Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel and Pillai HOC College of Education and Research, Rasayani in collaboration with Soroptimist Welfare Association (SIBC) organized a webinar on “World Habitat Day: 1 Minute Habit Formation” The session witnessed an online gathering of around 130 participants from the field of education.

The webinar was organized in line with the United Nations idea to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The guest speaker for the session was Mrs. Sonia D’Souza Bhavsar the young dynamic founder of Dropledge, a social cause-based technology initiative. In May 2020, Dropledge was chosen for a special accreditation by the United Nations. It is aligned and registered with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14. The idea of the session was based on the conviction that if we dedicate one minute from each day of our life to one sustainable habit we truly believe in, it will subconsciously become a part of us. The organization with the help of the insights gained through its scientific research, has craftedgamified user experience to bring about a change in the habits and behaviour of the users.The session not only focused on the issues revolving around the habitats for humans but also put forth the plight of thousands of other inhabitants of the Earth. The speaker shed light on some hard-hitting facts related to habitat destruction and the loss of biodiversity.

She sensitized the audience on the impact our habits have on the globe and suggested an idea of a Climate Classroom. The crux of Climate classroom is the opportunity each teacher gets to reach students in large numbers and the potential multiplicity of the message of sustainable habits. The session was intended to remind us of the power we have and the responsibility we need to shoulder to shape our future. As teachers we need to play the crucial role of mediators to make Earth inclusive in true sense.