Nouns – What are Nouns? / Types of Nouns of Adult Literacy Programme 2017-18

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Day & Date: Thursday, 7th September, 2017
Topic: NOUNS – What are nouns?/ Types of nouns (Proper, Common, Abstract, Collective)
Resource Person(s): Dr. Swasti Dhar

Objectives of the Session:

  • To introduce the participants to the meaning of Nouns and the types of nouns
  • To ensure that students can identify, classify and give own examples of nouns

Session Update: The session started with the prayer ‘We shall overcome’ after which the participants took a break as they had to pick up their children at 4. All the participant (16) opted for the higher level English learning. The session started with a game of ‘Name-Place-Animal-Things’ which was linked to the meaning of Nouns.

Dr. Swasti Dhar takes a session on Nouns

The ALD students complete their worksheets on Nouns

The four types of nouns (Proper/ Common/ Abstract & Collective) nouns were introduced and each participant had to identify and classify them. This was done through worksheets.

Finally, as speaking practice, each participant had to frame one complete sentence using two or more nouns. They also had to name the nouns as well as identify them.

Any other information:

  • The number of participants were very less. They were asked to inform their friends that all should participate from next week.
  • There was a discussion about whether words like cricket, football, rose, lotus etc were proper or common nouns. It was clarified that these words were also common nouns.
  • The participants want the classes from 4-5:30 pm instead of 3:30 to 5 p.m.