Prevention of Sexual Harrasment at the Workplace

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Soroptimist Welfare Association (SIBC) along with The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Women Development Cell (WDC) of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, organized a webinar on the topic “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace” on 9th December, 2021. The resource person for the webinar was Advocate Shraddha Abhijit Yadav. She covered the topic very well by covering major aspects of sexual harassment at workplace and various ways of prevention. She talked about sexual harassment, duties of the employee, Posh Act 2013, its importance, changes brought by Industrialization, UN Convention (CEDAW), Bhavari Devi case, Vishakha guidelines, etc. The SDGs focused upon were #5, #8 and #17